Tournament rebuys
Do you run rebuy and add-on tournaments?
Yes. Some of our multi-table tournaments fall into this category, meaning you can purchase extra chips during a tournament. A rebuy is only available until a specified time, and will only be available to players who are at or below their original chip count. The first add-on is available at the end of the rebuy period and will be available to all players, regardless of their chip count. Tournaments will either allow both methods for boosting your chip count, or just rebuys. If a tournament allows rebuys or add-ons, this fact will be displayed in the tournament Lobby. The details will be displayed upon selecting the tournament.
What is the crash settlement policy if the tournament crashes during the add-on period?
With each rebuy and add-on, the total chips in the tournament will increase. The total chips in rebuy tournaments will be equal to the sum of all players 'player starting chips (including any extra starting chips)' plus the sum of chips given to all players through a rebuy request, plus the sum of chips given to all players through an add-on request. The total chips in the tournament will continue to accumulate as and when players make a rebuy request and the final number will be calculated only when the add-on period is over. If a tournament crashes during the add-on period, the exact count of total chips in the tournament at the time of crash (including the chips added into the tournament as a result of rebuy and add-on requests) will be used to distribute the balance of the prize pool money.
Do shootout tournaments offer rebuys?
There are no rebuys for shootout tournaments.